Public Environment Report (PER) finalised
The Exercise Talisman Sabre (TS15) Public Environment Report (PER) has been finalised and is now available for public review.
For further information on Exercise Talisman Sabre 2015 and the Public Environment Report, please use the contacts listed on the right of this page.
Exercise Locations and Activities
Exercise Talisman Sabre 2015 (TS15) will incorporate land-based, air and maritime activities conducted at various locations within the Northern Territory, Queensland, and the Timor, Arafura and Coral Seas.
Field-based TS15 activities will primarily take place around the North Australian Range Complex (Bradshaw and Mount Bundy Training Areas and Delamere Range Facility) and the East Australian Range Complex (Shoalwater Bay, Townsville and Cowley Beach Training Areas). Selected non-Defence training areas may also be used for specific activities such as amphibious landings.
The scale and intensity of TS15 will be similar to Exercise Talisman Sabre 2013 (TS13) and previous exercises in the Talisman Sabre series. For 2015, the focus of the exercise will be in the North Australian Range Complex and the Timor and Arafura Seas, however a number of land activities will still be carried out at training areas in the East Australian Range Complex.
A significant proportion of participants will also be engaged in remote support and ‘virtual’ participation in a simulated environment (including command, control and communications).
Maps of key military training areas