Filter by: All releases Markets Cities 交通运输 休闲和酒店 体育场馆及文化中心 医疗 商业与住宅 工业 教育 石油、天然气和化工 Services Climate Adaptation(气候变化适应策略) EHS Management Consulting and Compliance(环境健康安全(EHS)管理咨询与合规) Ground Engineering(岩土工程) 信息技术与网络空间安全 建筑与设计 成本管理 经济规划 规划与咨询 风险管理与城市韧性 Year All20252024202320222021 Sort by: Newest | Oldest 20-Nov-2024 18-Jul-2024 10-Jul-2024 05-Feb-2024 20-Dec-2023 12-Dec-2023 16-Nov-2023 14-Nov-2023 13-Nov-2023 07-Aug-2023 26-Jun-2023 08-May-2023 14-Nov-2022 AECOM reports fourth quarter and full year fiscal 2022 results 20-Sep-2022 AECOM and Ferrovial Vertiports advance zero-carbon vertiport infrastructure in Florida through site selection framework 20-Sep-2022 AECOM expands its Digital AECOM offering with the launch of PipeInsights, an innovative platform that accelerates sewer inspections and enhances defect detection 08-Sep-2022 AECOM awarded construction management consulting contract for the Judicial Council of California’s new Lakeport Courthouse 05-Aug-2022 AECOM to partner with MnDOT and the City of White Bear Lake on automated shuttle pilot 01-Aug-2022 AECOM to serve on the University of Miami’s “Reefense” research team 19-Jul-2022 AECOM announces planned dates for third quarter fiscal 2022 earnings results and conference call 18-Jul-2022 AECOM selected by Arizona Department of Transportation to develop plan for the statewide deployment of electric vehicle charging stations 11-Jul-2022 AECOM awarded program management contract for Orange County Public Schools in Florida 07-Jul-2022 AECOM names Nathan Henderson National Offshore Program lead in the U.S. 30-Jun-2022 AECOM 与麦迪逊市完成签约,将为威斯康辛州设计首座市政PFAS处理设施 07-Jun-2022 AECOM 担任蛇形画廊第九展馆首席设计团队 24-May-2022 AECOM 为Yellowknife城市提供海底饮用水供应管线设计更新服务 18-May-2022 AECOM 树立ESG可持续发展下一阶段远大目标 17-May-2022 Digital AECOM 开发的PlanEngage™平台现正发布中 16-May-2022 AECOM 将为NJ TRANSIT Bus Garage Modernization提供设计服务 11-May-2022 AECOM 合资企业将为海军之综合长期环境行动(CLEAN)合同提供环境服务 10-May-2022 AECOM 任命张祺为中国区ESG可持续战略与发展负责人 04-May-2022 AECOM 加入Italvolt专案共同开发意义大利最大型的超级工厂 03-May-2022 AECOM 继续为奥斯汀市交通部提供工程咨询服务 20-Apr-2022 AECOM 任命 John D. Wright 担任亚特兰大都会区负责人 20-Apr-2022 AECOM 推出基础设施投资和就业法案之数字解决方案 13-Apr-2022 AECOM 获得合资企业合同,为维多利亚轨道专案之吉隆高速铁路提供技术咨询服务 Page 1 of 31 ›