Filter by: All releases Markets Cities 交通运输 休闲和酒店 体育场馆及文化中心 医疗 商业与住宅 工业 教育 石油、天然气和化工 Services Climate Adaptation(气候变化适应策略) EHS Management Consulting and Compliance(环境健康安全(EHS)管理咨询与合规) Ground Engineering(岩土工程) 信息技术与网络空间安全 建筑与设计 成本管理 经济规划 规划与咨询 风险管理与城市韧性 Year All20252024202320222021 Sort by: Newest | Oldest 22-Jan-2019 介绍 Vario —— 丹佛艺术区体现特立独行的”酷炫感” 22-Jan-2019 AECOM 连续第五年荣膺《财富》杂志全球最受赞赏公司 22-Jan-2019 AECOM 发布第二份年度全球报告”基础设施的未来:市民之声”,市民需要更积极地参与基础设施建设 15-Jan-2019 AECOM 将于 2 月 5 日公布 2019 财年第一季度业绩 02-Jan-2019 AECOM 宣布 Ron Hahn 出任管理服务部策略成长执行副总裁 12-Dec-2018 Mass Equities 和 AECOM Capital 為 2900 Brighton Boulevard 任命租赁代理 11-Dec-2018 AECOM 于 2019 投资者日重申长期财务预测 10-Dec-2018 AECOM 供应商多元化计划获 MilitaryFriendly® 评为第一名 10-Dec-2018 AECOM 宣布成立中国区管理总部,全面深入布局中国市场 05-Dec-2018 AECOM 与 Oriental Consultants Global 签署合作备忘录,开展日本海外基础设施项目 05-Dec-2018 AECOM 宣布参加在上海首届中国国际进口博览会 26-Nov-2018 AECOM appoints Steve Cooley to drive operations and maintenance growth in Australia and New Zealand 21-Nov-2018 AECOM partners with Engineers Without Borders USA to give back on #GivingTuesday 15-Nov-2018 AECOM’s China Theme Park Pipeline Report finds the industry is poised for significant future growth 14-Nov-2018 AECOM to host 2019 Investor Day on December 11 12-Nov-2018 AECOM reports fiscal fourth quarter and full year 2018 results 01-Nov-2018 AECOM awarded five-year, US$23.5 million USAID Amazon Promotion of Best Social and Environmental Management Practices project 31-Oct-2018 AECOM’s newest Brilliant Cities report finds that Australia’s Fishermans Bend could be a AUS$12 billion boon to the economy by 2030 30-Oct-2018 美国能源部与AECOM牵头的合资企业延长合同,管理汉福德工厂的油罐作业 25-Oct-2018 AECOM appoints Shayne Hanran to lead North Western Australia region 24-Oct-2018 AECOM to announce fiscal fourth quarter and full year 2018 results on November 12th 09-Oct-2018 AECOM recognized as a top friendly employer for veterans and military spouses 02-Oct-2018 AECOM secures AU$70 million lead designer role to deliver Melbourne’s Metro Tunnel Project 28-Sep-2018 AECOM and Harvard Graduate School of Design envision Manila’s future in newly completed study 26-Sep-2018 AECOM-EnergySolutions joint venture, SONGS Decommissioning Solutions, appoints Tom Dieter to lead San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station decommissioning 25-Sep-2018 AECOM awarded five-year, US$475 million USAID Public Financial Management II multiple-award IDIQ contract 12-Sep-2018 AECOM appoints James Rosenwax to lead its Buildings & Places practice in Australia and New Zealand 12-Sep-2018 AECOM surpasses 2020 goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions early and unveils new pledge for 2025 04-Sep-2018 Former Air Force engineer appointed to lead AECOM Construction Services group’s defence team in Australia and New Zealand 27-Aug-2018 AECOM appoints Mark Whitney executive vice president and general manager of nuclear and environment services strategic business unit 23-Aug-2018 U.S. Department of Defense awards AECOM contracting opportunities worth up to US$28 billion 21-Aug-2018 AECOM and Lockheed Martin to enhance energy resilience at Fort Carson with DoD’s largest peak-shaving battery 21-Aug-2018 Waldorf Astoria New York Enters Second Phase of Construction with AECOM Following Completion of Demolition and Pre-Construction Efforts 07-Aug-2018 AECOM reports third quarter fiscal year 2018 results 31-Jul-2018 Skanska and AECOM Hunt Joint Venture Selected as General Contractor for Seattle Center Arena Redevelopment Project ‹ Page 8 of 31 ›