Kaiser Permanente, one of the U.S.A.’s top healthcare organizations, retained AECOM in two stages to first masterplan and subsequently design all buildings for Kaiser’s fifteen acre site in Hillsboro, Oregon.
The new 260,000-square-foot hospital houses a full range of services including 126 inpatient beds and 6 general ORs + 2 Ortho ORs. Linked to the new hospital through a multi-story rotunda, the new Specialty Medical Office Building provides outpatient care along with a welcoming lobby and retail services. The diagnostic and treatment areas are planned so that each floor of in-patient functions, such as imaging, surgery, and birthing are linked horizontally with related outpatient functions.
Kaiser National Facilities Northwest proudly markets the project as “below budget, ahead of schedule, and the first LEED certified Kaiser Permanente campus”.