Port of Immingham sea defence improvements

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Safeguarding a major sea port from the threat of tidal surge, we produced and delivered an Outline Business Case (OBC) and flood risk appraisal for the Port of Immingham sea defence improvement scheme. Securing £4.5 million of Grant in Aid funding in a short six month timeframe, we have ensured the critical works can commence quickly.


In December 2013, a tidal surge caused the Port of Immingham on the east coast of England to suffer severe disruption to services and damage to infrastructure. Such disruptions cause considerable economic impact due to the vital role the port plays in UK energy generation and distribution of cargo, worldwide.


Working with Capita, we lead the production and delivery of an OBC to support the improvement of an existing tidal and flood defence at the port on behalf of North East Lincolnshire Council. Fast-tracked to ensure the critical works could commence as soon as possible, we produced the OBC in three months with £4.5 million of Grand in Aid funding approved within a short six month period.


To support delivery of the OBC a flood risk management appraisal was undertaken in line with the Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Appraisal Guidance. A range of defence options were considered to fully capture the potential benefits.