Taichung Liuchuan Landscape Planning and Design

Taichung Liuchuan Landscape Planning and Design

Liu Chuan is an urban aqueduct that runs through highly populated areas in Taichung where water quality is contaminated by sewage discharge over the years and the concrete embankment design has impacted the aesthetics of the surrounding environment. Therefore, Taichung City Government joins the Executive Yuan to improve Liu Chuan in term of water quality and river environment. Project scopes include water interception and on-site treatment designs to improve water quality over a short period of time as well as landscape re-planning to improve river environment.

The expected project outcomes include:

  1. Completion of biological contact oxidation process design with a capacity of 10,000 CMD and ability of denitrification process in addition to BOD, SS and NH3-N removal.
  2. Completion of water interception systems design at two locations with considerations of maximum contaminant load removal rate.
  3. Restoration of quality river environment with planning of a water treatment system.
  4. Completion of river remediation and environmental improvement planning.

In addition to water quality control, AECOM assisted Taichung City Government to improve river environment and flood safety by incorporating Low Impact Development (LID) design and channel construction works, respectively.

The project incorporated several LID methods including underground detention tanks, rain gardens, infiltration trenches and permeable pavement. LID designs enable infiltration of surface runoff and improve water conservation of the soil. On the other hand, the revetments were retreated by 8 meters on each side of the channel and replaced by flat sloped types. The construction increased the channel capacity, and meanwhile improved flood safety.

Rehabilitations of Liu Chuan has restored the aquatic eco-system of Liu Chuan, and become a new attraction for visitors nationwide. The project has not only won recognitions from government officials and residents, it has also been honored with the Public Construction Golden Quality Award.