Filter by: All releases Markets 交通運輸 休閒和酒店 商業與住宅 城市發展 大學運動設施 工業 教育 會議中心 石油、天然氣和化工 醫療 體育場館和文化中心 Services 大地工程 建築與設計 成本管理 氣候變遷因應策略 環境健康安全(EHS)管理諮詢與合規 經濟規劃 規劃與諮詢 資訊技術與網路空間安全 風險管理與城市韌性 Year All20252024202320222021 Sort by: Newest | Oldest 18-Jul-2018 AECOM to provide services supporting the Cooperative Threat Reduction program 17-Jul-2018 AECOM to announce fiscal year 2018 third quarter results on August 7th 12-Jul-2018 AECOM awarded contract to design Gordie Howe International Bridge 26-Jun-2018 AECOM hires Marc Devlin as region executive in Canada 21-Jun-2018 AECOM awarded US$24 million naval contract as part of the United States Force Posture Initiative in Australia 21-Jun-2018 AECOM strengthens commitment to corporate responsibility with launch of the Blueprint Travel Grant program 14-Jun-2018 AECOM with joint venture partners Aecon and SNC-Lavalin awarded Fuel Channel and Feeder Replacement contract at Bruce Nuclear Generating Station in Canada 14-Jun-2018 Water For People and AECOM celebrate 10-year partnership 11-Jun-2018 “Making Sydney Brilliant: A Manifesto for Sydney at 8 Million People” AECOM’s plan to strengthen Australia’s economic powerhouse 08-Jun-2018 U.S. Department of Energy extends AECOM-led joint venture contract at the Savannah River Site 07-Jun-2018 AECOM and Greenland announce strategic cooperation to develop integrated delivery projects in People’s Republic of China and globally 06-Jun-2018 AECOM and Super 78’s Mushroom VR to develop virtual reality technologies 25-May-2018 AECOM and Fosun subsidiary establish joint venture to advance transit oriented development opportunities across People’s Republic of China 25-May-2018 AECOM Capital and PMRG close on financing for major Houston Multifamily Development Project 23-May-2018 Rocky Mountain Hyperloop Project Advances To Second Half Of Feasibility Study, Unveils Vision For Denver Intl Airport Portal 23-May-2018 AECOM awarded 15-year, US$3.1 billion contract to provide U.S. Air Force with range support services 18-May-2018 AECOM and Partners Reveal Vision for Resilient San Leandro Bay 17-May-2018 AECOM-ARTBA Partnership Enhances Transportation Site Safety 17-May-2018 TEA and AECOM Release 2017 Report on World’s Top-Attended Theme Parks, Waterparks and Museums 08-May-2018 AECOM reports second quarter fiscal year 2018 results 03-May-2018 AECOM-Arup JV wins ACEC Grand Award for Second Avenue Subway 01-May-2018 AECOM awarded seven-year Remotely Piloted Aircraft operations and maintenance support prime IDIQ contract with US$961 million maximum value 24-Apr-2018 AECOM and Asia Society launch second year of Imagine 2060: Delivering Tomorrow’s Cities Together 23-Apr-2018 AECOM releases its 2017 safety report: “Nine Ways to Zero” 17-Apr-2018 AECOM to announce fiscal year 2018 second quarter results on May 8 13-Apr-2018 AECOM’s Larry Ostarly receives National Space Club Florida’s Debus Award 22-Mar-2018 Mass Equities and AECOM partner on major Denver development 21-Mar-2018 AECOM’s new Brilliant Cities Report highlights how to create innovative communities in Melbourne and Victoria to attract talent and investment 21-Mar-2018 Institution of Civil Engineers, AECOM and MTR Corporation unveil the world’s longest span bridge built with LEGO bricks in Hong Kong 21-Feb-2018 Harvard University Graduate School of Design and AECOM bring the Southeast Asia Design Studio to Manila, spotlighting future habitations 20-Feb-2018 AECOM recognized with five awards for environmental industry innovation and leadership 13-Feb-2018 Financing and funding the future 13-Feb-2018 AECOM and SNC-Lavalin Inc. preferred consortium for the design of the Réseau express métropolitain (REM) 12-Feb-2018 AECOM hires Jenny Bixby as vice president and business development manager for the Gulf Southwest transportation group 06-Feb-2018 AECOM reports first quarter fiscal year 2018 results ‹ Page 9 of 30 ›