Under this IDIQ contract, an AECOM joint venture performs a wide range of infrastructure support worldwide, including the design and construction of water main upgrades, electrical distribution enhancements, and power system improvements. Since 2007, we have responded quickly to contingencies throughout the world – including in Djibouti, Haiti, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Dominican Republic, the Bahamas, and the United States. Projects have ranged in value from $50,000 to over $100 million.
For example, AECOM provided infrastructure improvements at Camp Lemonier, Djibouti. Working in a contingency environment, we mobilized within two weeks of award and constructed a contractor camp in less than 10 weeks. This entailed fabrication of 18 containerized living units and a 1900-square-foot office building, transoceanic shipping, and installation of the units and offices. Infrastructure improvements to accommodate future missions included anti-terrorism/force protection protective base walls, installation of a high-security fence, access roads and parking areas, emergency power, electrical distribution system and new four-inch potable water mains.