AECOM was chosen by the Air Force Civil Engineer Support Agency (AFCESA) to provide base-wide, investment-grade Facility Energy Assessments for three air bases located in Europe and the United Kingdom and Sustainable Infrastructure Assessments at six bases located on the United States eastern seaboard. AECOM mobilized multiple audit teams and visited more than 730 buildings totaling 18,000,000 square-feet. The buildings ranged from standard office space to vehicle maintenance shops, district central plants, water plants, paint complexes, hangers, and secure communications facilities.
The purpose of the assessments was to help the Air Force meet federally mandated goals for energy reductions by developing technically and financially viable energy projects. Part of the field auditing effort involved use of a tablet based data collection system to efficiently gather detailed inventory data and photos of electrical, mechanical and architectural systems, including component condition.
Project Highlights: