Albian Sands Froth Treatment and Auxiliary Tank Farm
Ottawa Light Rail Transit
Sydney Tar Ponds
AECOM receives APEGBC’s Sustainability Award
Ashlu Hydroelectric Project
Bloom Lake Mine to Port Railway
Bronte GO Station – East and West Entrance Rehabilitation and Extension
Calgary Courts Centre
Calgary International Airport International Facilities
City of Saint-Jérôme Water Treatment Plant Expansion
CN Triple Tracking for GO TRIP
Design and Construction of a State of the Art Quarry Landfill
Detroit River International Crossing – Preliminary Design and Evaluation of TEPA
Edmonton Integrated Transit and Land Use Policy Framework
Enhancing 17th Avenue
Gap Analysis, Investigation, Remedial Planning
Highway 401 Eastbound Collector Lanes from Avenue Road to Leslie Street
Highway 407 East Completion Preliminary Design, Western Section, Brock Road to Ashburn Road
Howe Sound Remediation
Kipling Station Redevelopment New Transit Hub
La Tuque Hydroelectric Power Plant Re-profiling, Canada
LG-1 Hydroelectric Powerhouse
Lorne Park Water Treatment Plant
Manitoba Hydro Place
Mississauga Downtown21
Mississauga Transit: 975 Central Parkway Office & Garage Renovations
Montreal Commuter Train Line Infrastructure Improvements
Montreal University Hospital Center (CHUM)
Montreal’s Subway Line Number 2 Extension
Newton Towne Centre Masterplan
Peribonka IV Hydroelectric Powerhouse
Pierre Le Gardeur Hospital
Pipeline Installation near Bonnyville, Alberta
Preferential Treatment for Buses Between the Downtown Montreal Terminal and the Champlain Bridge
Provincial Highway 407
Reconstruction of the Turcot Interchange
Remediation of Contaminated Sediments
Reshaping Edmonton’s Public Transportation
Romaine Hydroelectric Complex – A renewable energy project
Roof Renewal for Wilson Bus Garage
Rt. Hon. Herb Gray Parkway
Safety Focus: Retail Downstream Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management Program
SAGD Expansion Project at Christina Lake, Alberta
SAGD Facilities and Cogeneration Plant, Alberta
Tata Steel Direct Shipping Ore
Tidal Energy Demonstration Facility Project
Transforming transit in Toronto
Understanding the Impacts of Climate Change on an Electric Distribution Utility in Canada
Vancouver Fire Station Design
Via Toronto-Montreal Upgrade
Viva Bus Rapid Transit
Watershed-based Preliminary Site Investigation
Woodward Avenue Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion and Upgrades