Major Infrastructure – Resources Optimisation Group (MI-ROG)

The circular economy in action

Climate change and diminishing resource availability are driving major infrastructure organisations to seek greater resilience and efficiencies with planning, development and delivery of major programmes across the UK.  With this in mind, AECOM founded the Major Infrastructure–Resources Optimisation Group (MI-ROG) in 2013 as a forum for the UK’s infrastructure operators to collaborate across the circular economy theme and to meet the challenge of delivering major infrastructure in a constrained economy. 

MI-ROG members are senior representatives of Anglian Water, Centrica, EDF Energy, the Environment Agency, Heathrow Airport, Highways England, HS2, National Grid, Network Rail, Thames Tideway Tunnel and United Utilities.  The first forum of its kind in the infrastructure sector, with AECOM chairing, MI-ROG has inspired and facilitated workflows on asset life cycle, carbon performance, circular economy planning, critical materials availability, materials exchange and sustainable procurement and supply chains. The group benchmarks approaches, shares best practice and collaborates across projects, seeking greater resilience and efficiencies with planning, development and delivery of major programmes.