Filter by: All releases Markets 交通運輸 休閒和酒店 商業與住宅 城市發展 工業 教育 石油、天然氣和化工 醫療 體育場館及文化中心 Services 大地工程 建築與設計 成本管理 氣候變遷因應策略 環境健康安全(EHS)管理諮詢與合規 經濟規劃 規劃與諮詢 資訊技術與網路空間安全 風險管理與城市韌性 Year All20252024202320222021 Sort by: Newest | Oldest 15-Sep-2017 AECOM Headline Sponsor of Historic Ice Maiden Expedition 29-Aug-2017 US$9.5 billion city water projects open for investment 24-Aug-2017 Industry Must Do More to Encourage Young People to Consider Apprenticeships, Urges AECOM 17-Aug-2017 Urgent action needed to increase number of young women studying STEM subjects at A-Level 08-Aug-2017 AECOM reports third quarter fiscal year 2017 results 07-Aug-2017 AECOM and China Communications Construction Corporation subsidiary establish joint venture company to service environmental solutions opportunities in People’s Republic of China 03-Aug-2017 100th contract signed under Perfect Circle-led Built Environment Consultancy Services framework 18-Jul-2017 AECOM appoints Julie L. Labonte senior vice-president and senior program manager within its Design and Consulting Services group’s Program and Construction Management business 18-Jul-2017 AECOM to announce fiscal year 2017 third quarter results on Aug. 8 07-Jul-2017 AECOM Celebrates Pride 06-Jul-2017 AECOM to acquire Shimmick Construction to expand its civil construction capabilities in the Western U.S. 28-Jun-2017 AECOM appoints Randall A. Wotring as chief operating officer 26-Jun-2017 AECOM appoints Zeynep Erdal as its water business leader in Los Angeles 26-Jun-2017 AECOM appoints James W. Thomson vice president and managing principal of its Midwest region Buildings + Places practice 12-Jun-2017 AECOM one of 56 companies awarded IDIQ contract valued at US$37.4-billion to provide worldwide U.S. Army strategic services sourcing 09-Jun-2017 AECOM awarded US$11-million design contract for new Hugh K. Leatherman, Sr. Container Terminal by the South Carolina Ports Authority 06-Jun-2017 AECOM to present in the Citi 2017 Industrials Conference on June 13 05-Jun-2017 AECOM appoints John Jessen managing principal of Buildings + Places, Washington metro area and mid-Atlantic region 01-Jun-2017 New TEA/AECOM Theme Index and Museum Index shows mixed results in 2016 global theme park attendance 31-May-2017 AECOM partners with acclaimed Director John Singleton to illustrate infrastructure’s power to connect communities 31-May-2017 AECOM to ring The Opening Bell at the New York Stock Exchange to celebrate the 10th anniversary of its Initial Public Offering 30-May-2017 AECOM names Jeff Kerridge senior vice president of business development for its Nuclear & Environment Strategic Business Unit within its Management Services group 30-May-2017 Leading the way on infrastructure development 26-May-2017 AECOM re-landscapes Margate’s Dreamland 24-May-2017 AECOM and IBM launch updated United Nations Disaster Resilience Scorecard 18-May-2017 AECOM Becomes Patron of the London Festival of Architecture 17-May-2017 AECOM announces 3,000 infrastructure job openings across North America 15-May-2017 AECOM appoints Navin Sagar as vice president and national transit systems leader 15-May-2017 AECOM announces new leadership roles within its Mid-Atlantic Region water practice 10-May-2017 Water industry must not overlook natural, social and human capital in business planning to address myriad of challenges, says AECOM 09-May-2017 AECOM awarded contract valued at US$177.5-million to provide maintenance services for the Navy Fleet Readiness Center 09-May-2017 AECOM awarded U.S. Department of Energy third-generation IDIQ energy performance savings contract 09-May-2017 AECOM reports second quarter fiscal year 2017 results 08-May-2017 AECOM’s Rahul Madhavan appointed the chairman for U.S. – India Business Council’s Aerospace and Defense Executive Committee 05-May-2017 AECOM releases its 2016 safety report: “Delivering a Safer World” ‹ Page 11 of 30 ›