AECOM engineering graduates go back to school

Global infrastructure services firm AECOM visited Lough View Integrated Primary School in Belfast to teach children about Civil Engineering.


Civil Engineering graduates and students from AECOM’s Belfast Water and Highways Team spent the day with pupils from year one to seven to demonstrate the importance of Civil Engineering and how it affects everyday life. As part of AECOM’s commitment to supporting the local community and vital training for graduates who are also members of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), a variety of tasks were given to pupils. These include building paper towers and constructing marble runs to windmills – both of which enable them to learn new skills and work together as a team.

Pupils in year six and seven were also given the opportunity to construct their very own 16 metre suspension bridge through the Bridges to Schools project. This unique initiative set up by the ICE, provides schools with flat packed 16-metre-long bridges which they then construct with civil engineers. Ensuring it was a real-life experience, children were given high viz jackets and hard hats to wear whilst assembling and walking the bridge.

Cheryl Wallace, Y6 teacher and Rights Respecting Coordinator said: “We were delighted to be part of this amazing cross-curricular learning opportunity. AECOM’s engineers provided us with a range of practical learning experiences to promote science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Our pupils were able to experience the importance of team-work, problem solving and project management throughout our ‘Engineering Day’. It was definitely a memorable and inspiring learning day for both pupils and staff!”

Not only did pupils and staff at the primary school gain a valuable experience on the day, AECOM graduates and students also developed some of the skills they need to become fully Charted or Incorporated Civil Engineers.

Karol McCusker, Associate Director of Civil Engineer for UK & Ireland at AECOM, said: “We are honoured to be giving young people an insight into the world of civil engineering and activities are a great way for pupils to visually understand the importance and difference it can make in their local community. It’s also fantastic to see our Graduate and Student Civil Engineers working with pupils and developing their skills as they become fully qualified.”