Three AECOM projects recognised at Highways England Supply Chain Recognition Awards

Three AECOM projects were recognised at the recent Highways England Supply Chain Recognition Awards in the UK. Highways England, the organisation that operates, maintains and improves England’s motorways and major A roads, holds the awards annually to recognise the contribution made by its suppliers.

The A1 Leeming to Barton project won the Managing Down Cost & Improving Value category and was highly commended in both the Communities and the Safety, Health and Wellbeing categories. AECOM is lead designer on the project that will see a 12-mile stretch of dual-carriageway converted into motorway. The upgrade will improve safety and traffic flow on a very busy part of the route connecting London with some of the major urban centres in the north of England and Scotland.

AECOM also designed the A38 Derby Junctions project that was highly commended in the Delivering Sustainable Value and Solutions category. The A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon project, which AECOM has delivered as part of a joint venture, was also highly commended in the Supply Chain Management category.

Dave Beddell, European Market Sector Director for Highways, AECOM, said: “It’s an honour to see so many AECOM projects recognised at these prestigious awards, which is testament to the breadth and depth of our capability. AECOM is proud to contribute to modernising, maintaining and operating England’s network of motorways and major roads.”

The Supply Chain Recognition Awards were established five years ago and are open to all suppliers in direct and indirect contact with Highways England.