A technical and economic assessment of the plant highlighted the need to increase the power from 3 of its units (units 2, 4 and 6) from 36 megawatts to 58 megawatts. In order to achieve this, major unprecedented work on the hydraulic passage of the draft tubes, and the foundations of the generating units, was necessary.
AECOM was contracted to remove 1,200 cubic meters of concrete and rock foundation from between the adjacent generating units (units 1, 3 and 5), which we achieved while allowing the client to continue normal operation of the three units and with minimal disruption to day-to-day business of the plant.
The successful re-profiling work was recognized the Armatura Award from the ‘Institut d’Acier d’Armature du Québec (IAAQ)’ in the category jury’s selection. These awards are presented every year by the IAAQ to celebrate the talent and the know-how of the engineering firms and contractors in the achievement of reinforced concrete structure projects.