Stadiums & Arenas

Stadiums & Arenas

Stadiums and arenas energize both the fans and players, create an intimidating and celebrated home-field advantage, and, ultimately, reflect the personality of the franchise they house.

They are not only built to enhance the spectator experience, but to boost the local communities and, ultimately, generate an additional revenue stream. At AECOM, we have designed and built the most challenging stadiums and arenas, while setting the industry standard and garnering worldwide acclaim, all without missing an opening day.

These very complex structures require a tremendous amount of know-how to design and build them in a quality, timely and economical way. The AECOM team has consistently provided its clients with optimized solutions that increase the return on investment, while minimizing the operating costs.

We draw on our urban planning, economics, design and construction expertise, while analyzing how ancillary development can be a year-round attraction for sports fans and nonfans alike. We have pioneered the enhancement of green building through the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and have changed the face of arena construction through the use of lessons learned and Integrated Project Delivery (IPD).

Our unwavering commitment to research and development helps to create the most innovative designs and revenue strategies, which are models within the industry. As a result, our clients consistently tell us that our facilities dramatically impact revenue generation and heighten the spectator experience.

We are not simply building a place to watch a game; we fundamentally believe that stadiums and arenas should have their own unique image that makes them identifiable icons to the city and region in which they reside.