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Architecture and Design
Asset Management
Cities Solutions
Climate Adaptation
Cost Management
EHS Management Consulting and Compliance
Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing Solutions
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Permitting
IT and Cybersecurity
People + Place Advisory
Planning and Consulting
Risk Management & Resilience
Strategic consulting
Tunnels, Trenchless Technology and Underground Infrastructure
Visualization and Virtual Reality
Location: United States
- Africa
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- Bosnia and Herzegovina
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- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
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- Kuwait
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- Malaysia
- Maldives
31st Street Harbor
AT&T Stadium
Bank United Center
BHP Billiton Drill Rig Relocations
Big-I Reconstruction
Blue Plains Wastewater Treatment Plant
California Department of Water Resources Urban and Non-Urban Levee Evaluations
Carlson School of Management – University of Minnesota
Central Texas Turnpike
Charles W. Cullen Bridge at the Indian River Inlet
Cleveland Clinic Global Cardiovascular Innovation Center