Expanding water treatment capabilities in Florida
An AECOM engineer performs a punchlist on odor control scrubbers and tanks at the new Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant in Davie, Florida.
AECOM was selected to complete this design-build process to bring its expertise on constructability, scheduling, and construction costs early on in the process. The project included design and construction of a water reclamation facility, administrative offices, reverse osmosis water treatment facility, odor control systems, and tanks for both reclamation and finished water. A pocket park with interpretive signage was also included on the exterior perimeter to help educate the public on the plant’s processes and ways to conserve water.
This exposure was taken at 1/160th of a second at f 8.0 at ISO 100 on a Canon 1Dx camera with 24mm tilt-shift lens and heliopan polarizing filter.
Photo © Robb Williamson / AECOM