Environment, Flood Resilience, Hydraulic Modeling, Hydrological Modeling, INWED24, People Spotlight, Sustainability, Water

Our People Spotlight series gives you an inside look at our technical experts around the world. This week, we are highlighting a technical director from our Water business in the United Kingdom and providing an insight into their inspiration and work. 

Katie Pearson is the technical head of modelling for our Water business in the UK and Ireland. She leads a community of modellers who deliver a wide range of hydrological and hydraulic modelling for public and private sector clients. Her role covers quality, training and development, innovation and improvement. She also manages modelling frameworks for the UK’s Environment Agency and Anglian Water, a UK water company that serves the east of England. Katie is passionate about delivering social value through her work and is committed to growing skills in our industry.

What inspired you to join the industry? 

My educational background in Environmental Science was a great start to applying science to solve real world problems. Through the range of modules I studied at university, I realised that it was the water environment that interested me most. Working in the industry also made me realise that my passion lies in developing sustainable solutions to solve complex problems. 

I love the numerical element of water modelling, for example, the statistical analysis that allows us to estimate the probability of flood flows based on extrapolation from recorded river flow data. We can combine that with climate change science to predict how flood probability might change in the future so that is accounted for in our projects.  

We build our models as tools that can be used to identify areas at risk and then test potential interventions to reduce that risk. As modellers, our challenge is to analyse and present our results to communities and stakeholders and I enjoy working with our teams around how to do that. 

Through the range of modules I studied at university, I realised that it was the water environment that interested me most. Working in the industry also made me realise that my passion lies in developing sustainable solutions to solve complex problems.”

What is your favourite AECOM project that you’ve worked on and why?

I’m really enjoying being the lead verifier for our modelling investigations in the Tame and Trent catchment for the Affinity Water Minworth and Grand Union Canal linked to potential new Strategic Resource Options (SROs). These investigations are needed to demonstrate to the regulators and stakeholders that the baseline conditions in the catchment are understood by the project team and that any potential impacts of the SROS have been thoroughly assessed. Regulators need to be assured of this before important projects such as this can pass to the next phase of planning and design.   

We’re undertaking a range of hydrological and hydraulic modelling. This will inform the evidence base that’s needed to understand the environmental impacts of any change in the rivers’ normal flow regime because of the SROs, for example whether there are longer or shorter periods of low flow conditions and the impacts this might have on life in the river. The modelling can then be used to consider how the projects can be designed to mitigate those impacts. There are several different aspects to our modelling strategy including hydrological modelling, 1D and 2D hydraulic modelling and water quality modelling, and as lead verifier, I am responsible for ensuring the quality of our modelling work and making sure we follow an appropriate technical approach that will meet the requirements of our client and the regulators. It’s great to see the interactions between different elements of the modelling and to see our modelling teams applying their skills and experience in ways they haven’t before.  

We have been asked by the regulator to undertake 2D water quality modelling for one reach of the river to assess whether the potential change in flow regime will impact the availability of dissolved oxygen which could affect the aquatic ecology. This is a new kind of modelling not regularly undertaken in the UK and we’re engaging with water quality experts and software developers in Australia to develop and implement an appropriate methodology for this. 

I’m really enjoying being the lead verifier for our modelling investigations in the Tame and Trent catchment for the Affinity Water Minworth and Grand Union Canal linked to potential new Strategic Resource Options. We’re undertaking a range of hydrological and hydraulic modelling. This will inform the evidence base that’s needed to understand the environmental impacts of any change in the rivers’ normal flow regime. It’s great to see the interactions between different elements of the modelling and to see our modelling teams applying their skills and experience in ways they haven’t before.”

Tell us a story of how your work positively impacted the community.

I manage our delivery of projects on the Environment Agency Mapping & Modelling Framework. Under this framework, we’ve been delivering several packages of flood risk modelling and mapping which positively impact local communities through sustainable flood risk management. We’ve recently completed the development and calibration of a new flood forecasting model for a town in Cornwall, England. The new model developed by our team provides increased confidence to Environment Agency Flood Warning duty officers during future flood events which will significantly improve real time flood forecasts for the local community, enabling them to take action to reduce risk and impacts.

I manage our delivery of projects on the Environment Agency Mapping & Modelling Framework. Under this framework, we’ve been delivering several packages of flood risk modelling and mapping which positively impact local communities through sustainable flood risk management.”

Share a piece of career advice.

If the opportunity isn’t there, create it! Several times in my career, I’ve spotted the potential for a new opportunity for me or for the business that doesn’t quite exist or hasn’t yet been fully framed. When I’ve seen this, I’ve worked with colleagues and leaders to develop the opportunity further and then jumped on it. 

Katie Pearson

Originally published Feb 7, 2024

Author: Katie Pearson

Katie Pearson is the technical head of modelling for our Water business in the UK and Ireland.