Connected Cities, governance, Philadelphia

That is Mayor Michael Nutter’s goal. Pictured are members of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), Urban Infrastructure Initiative (UII) Philadelphia project team (from left to right): Dick McDonnell (Schneider Electric), Katherine Gajewski (Director of Sustainability, City of Philadelphia), Jeffrey Kosiorek (Siemens), Mark Gander (AECOM), Torsten Kleiss (Siemens), Alison Taylor (Siemens), Honorable Mayor Michael Nutter (City of Philadelphia), William Sisson (UTRC), Matthew Lynch (Director, WBCSD, Geneva, Switz.), Cary Vick (Telvent).

On November 21 at the Greenbuild International Conference, WBCSD Director Lynch presented Mayor Nutter with a report called “A solutions landscape for Philadelphia” aimed at helping the city realize its goal. View the report here. Learn more about it from WBCSD here. Read an article in City Today magazine.


Jake_89x100Jake Herson ( is managing editor of the Connected Cities blog.

Jacob Herson

Originally published Dec 11, 2013

Author: Jacob Herson