HydroVision International is the largest gathering of hydro professionals worldwide. The event highlights perspectives on the role of hydropower, explores issues affecting hydro resources, and helps participants develop a vision to meet challenges and ensure the future sustainability of hydro.
We look forward to seeing you in Charlotte in June.
Come visit us at Booth 1129
Speakers / Panelists:
Richard Dulin, P.E.
Panelist - Session 4B: Don’t Make the Same Mistakes: Bringing History Forward
Time: Thursday, June 28 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Ryan Gee
Moderator - Session 4B: Don’t Make the Same Mistakes: Bringing History Forward
Time: Thursday, June 28 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Scott Jones
Speaker - Session 4J: Exploring Surging Trends in Penstocks (presenting paper Seismic Response of Riveted Steel Surge Tanks)
Time: Thursday June 28 8:30AM – 10:00AM
Panelist - Session 5B: Will It Work When You Need It? Testing the Untestable
Time: Thursday June 28 11:00AM – 12:30PM