#AECOMBlueprint, Careers, Corporate Responsibility

At AECOM, we don’t just talk about employee well-being. We’re committed to well-being as a key component of our company culture, ensuring an environment that supports wellness and enables employees to make choices that support healthy lifestyles.

As a leading infrastructure firm focused on delivering a better world through the work we do, it’s critical that we’re able to recruit the best talent and enable our workforce to execute projects to the best of their abilities. People who make their well-being a priority are happier, live more balanced lives, are better able to innovate and inspire others, and are more productive and creative — all things we highly value at AECOM.

To continue building a great company culture, we’re taking our dedication to well-being a step further by expanding our highly successful U.S. wellness program into a global well-being initiative.

According to O.C. Tanner research, companies with a formal well-being program see a 17% increase in new ideas and innovation and a 14% increase in employees’ overall feeling of well-being. Not only do employees feel better at work, they also have more energy and vigor to give to family, friends and their communities. We’ve also seen that a strong global well-being program can increase retention, improve employee engagement and boost employee morale.

To kick off our new global initiative, we’re launching AECOM’s first ever Global Well-Being Week from June 11-15. We’re asking employees to take time out each day to focus on all aspects of their well-being: physical, emotional, financial, social and even the planet. Employees at our locations around the world will have a variety of activities available to them, on-site and online, aimed at helping them build their well-being. One key resource is AECOM’s global Employee Assistance Program, where employees can turn if they need advice with things such as physical activity, building financial stability and improving emotional resilience.

Employee well-being also closely aligns with AECOM’s Corporate Responsibility platform, Blueprint for a Better World. It’s no coincidence that Global Well-Being Week occurs during AECOM’s first Blueprint Service Month, when we’ll be highlighting the work our employees do to make a positive impact in our communities around the world.

A focus on well-being benefits everyone… our employees, their families, our communities, our company, partners and clients. This month, we’re looking forward to seeing how our employees take good care of themselves and those around them.

Looking for a new career? Consider joining the AECOM team, working to make amazing happen in communities and cities across the globe. Visit: aecom.com/careers

Bernie Knobbe

Originally published Jun 8, 2018

Author: Bernie Knobbe

Bernie is corporate vice president of global benefits at AECOM.