Buildings and Places, Environmental Services, ESG, National Governments, People Spotlight, Sustainable Legacies

Our People Spotlight series gives you an inside look at our technical experts around the world. This week, we are highlighting an assistant project manager from our Buildings + Places business in the United Kingdom and providing you insight into their inspiration and work.

Paul joined AECOM in 2021 as a graduate project manager. He is based in our Edinburgh office working within the Defense Sector for the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO). Paul’s key responsibilities include defining a plan for each project, managing the delivery of the scope, stakeholder management and client engagement. Paul has been involved in several projects gaining experience from strategic definition through to construction, and his immediate goal is to achieve his MCIOB qualification.

What inspired you to join the industry?

The construction industry is one of the few sectors which allows you to play a key role in shaping the physical world around you. The ability to positively contribute to projects — and consequently, cities and countries — has been, and continues to be my inspiration. An example of this is my involvement in the design, and now construction, of a brand-new healthcare complex in the UK, which aims to be a local hub for the primary care network, fostering regional social and economic development.

What is your favorite AECOM project that you’ve worked on and why?

I greatly enjoy my current role as an assistant project manager supporting the delivery of Establishment Management Plans for the DIO. The deliverable sets out an agreed roadmap to support development and management of the infrastructure over the next 25 years.

In this role, I am supporting the leadership of a multi-disciplinary team who are collectively providing key strategic planning for the UK and Overseas Ministry of Defence (MOD) Estate. My key responsibilities include stakeholder engagement, master planning analysis and the compilation of the final strategy deliverable.

This project provides great opportunities for working closely with and learning from experienced subject matter experts. Being involved from ‘day zero’ allows us to bring together the right people, ideas and technical expertise to support the MOD to lead the change towards a more efficient and sustainable future.

The project also provides unique opportunities to spend extended periods of time on-site, living in military accommodation and engaging with stakeholders. This was a step out of my comfort zone, but one that has benefitted my development greatly, and built my confidence to deliver my role.

I have been fortunate to build strong relationships, internally and externally, which has made the projects enjoyable to deliver. The team has pioneered a ‘one team’ attitude with the client that has enabled us to persevere through the constraints of the projects and collectively achieve the right deliverable.

The project provides unique opportunities to spend extended periods of time on-site, living in military accommodation and engaging with stakeholders. This was a step out of my comfort zone, but one that has benefitted my development greatly, and built my confidence to deliver my role.”

Tell us a story of how your work has positively impacted the community.

On my first day at AECOM, I met my line manager Andy Harley at Dalgety Bay in Fife, Scotland. He introduced me to my first project for DIO, which aimed to solve a large problem for the local community.

For many years, local residents had been impacted by radium contamination on the shores at Dalgety Bay, which resulted in areas of the coastline being closed off.

The MOD financed a project to remediate the land and install new infrastructure for the residents. Shortly after my arrival at AECOM, the contractor obtained authorisation from the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency and commenced work on-site. The works included excavation and screening of 9,000 cubic meters of the foreshore material, laying 10,000 square meters of geotextile, and installation of 33,000 tonnes of rock armour.

Being involved in the management of a high-profile project, which has ultimately improved the experience and safety of the community, has been rewarding, fulfilling and is definitely one to remember!”

Alongside the remediation works, a replacement jetty and slipway were also installed. The project is now coming to a close and is moving into its defects period to ensure the quality of the remediation and installations. AECOM provided multi-disciplinary design and support services alongside NEC3 project management and cost management. Being involved in the management of a high-profile project, which has ultimately improved the experience and safety of the community, has been rewarding, fulfilling and is definitely one to remember!

Share a piece of career advice.

  1. Explore new horizons: Take opportunities even if they seem scary and be prepared to push yourself beyond your comfort zone. I’ve got the best out of myself in situations where I have felt daunted, but pushing myself has allowed me to learn quickly, overcome the challenge, and achieve a positive outcome.
  2. Be a sponge: Identify those around you who you can learn from, and when you have their time, make sure to ask questions and learn as much as possible.
  3. Highlight good work: I believe that good performance should be recognised — so if you notice someone who’s doing a good job in your team, or on your projects, then make sure you make it known.
Paul Aitken

Originally published Oct 4, 2023

Author: Paul Aitken

Paul is an assistant project manager from AECOM's Buildings + Places business in the United Kingdom.