ABC Waters


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AECOM’s integrated design approach is revitalizing Singapore’s waterways and improving the outdoor living environment for Singapore residents.

The Active, Beautiful, Clean Waters (ABC Waters) program was launched in 2006 by the Public Utilities Board (PUB), Singapore’s National Water Agency, to improve water quality, and enhance liveability. The program aims to transform Singapore’s canals, rivers and reservoirs into beautiful recreational spaces where people can be close to water.

As part of the ABC program, AECOM was appointed by PUB to carry out consultancy services for a project to redesign the Sungei Tampines and Sungei Api Api waterways to blend with the surrounding parks and spaces.

Collaborative urban design

Our team embraced an integrated approach to transform waterways into a vibrant green corridor by realizing the full potential of water infrastructure while preserving the area’s original nature.

Our team of experts from across multiple disciplines, including those in the water, landscape and environment departments, collaborated in the design of appropriate water sensitive urban design (WSUD) elements such as rain gardens and cleansing biotope to help filter and cleanse the rainwater runoff before draining into the rivers, and at the same time increasing the aesthetic value to the area.

This was done through planting to enhance the greenery along the redesigned footpaths, park connector and concrete canal walls of the two rivers. Plant species were selected to provide distinct characters to each river, enhance the existing landscape and address maintenance and irrigation demands.

The area along the waterfront was also spruced up with more plants, wider footpaths and communal areas such as shelters, lookout decks and seats, allowing people to get closer to the waterfront. Educational sculptures and signages were included to raise environmental and heritage awareness for the two water bodies.

The project was completed in 2015. AECOM’s integrated delivery approach was recognized and the project received the ABC Waters certification from the PUB, which acknowledges contributions made towards improving the quality of water and life for the community.