AECOM Tishman is providing ongoing construction management services to oversee a new voice fire alarm system upgrade for Mount Sinai Medical Center’s 11 fully occupied hospital, ambulatory care, medical school and research laboratory buildings, which total three million square feet across its Upper East Side campus.
Our team is integrating the existing building systems with new fire alarm systems, which are being provided with up-to-date code-compliant electrical power risers, transformers, and transfer switches. The system connects to the campus’ existing emergency generator systems, and the project provides a state-of-the-art networked fire alarm system with graphical system interfaces throughout the campus.
This extensive infrastructure upgrade project, performed on an operational hospital campus, is being completed in multiple phases based on space availability, funding and coordination with patient requirements. All new devices are being installed in strict accordance with all ICRA regulations and without any interruption to fire alarm service, working with the FDNY to assure safety. To date, we have completed all upgrades in the Guggenheim Pavilion building, a 1,000,000-square-foot fully functioning hospital, and are currently about 50% complete with the new fire alarm installation in the Annenberg Building, a 1,000,000-square-foot mixed-use building consisting of research laboratories and hospital floors. The remaining campus buildings will follow in future phases.