West Midlands Rail Programme: transforming the way rail infrastructure is delivered in the UK

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A first-of-its-kind partnership approach revitalising the West Midlands’ rail network.

The West Midlands Rail Programme (WMRP) is a new partnership-based model that is successfully creating a more accessible and integrated transport network within the West Midlands region of the UK.

The trailblazing £200 million+ investment programme – which is led by Transport for West Midlands and West Midlands Rail Executive – brings together over 10 industry-leading organisations to deliver seven new or significantly upgraded stations within the region.

The WMRP is an example of how the rail industry is collaborating to do things differently for the benefit of passengers and local communities. Crucially, of the £200 million+ that has been invested in WMRP projects, around 60 per cent is from partners outside the rail industry.

This new model is gaining recognition for its successful approach, paving the way for the rest of the industry to follow.

A new approach to station design and delivery

The WMRP was set up to succeed where traditional delivery mechanisms have not. Working with Transport for West Midlands and the West Midlands Rail Executive, we understood a genuinely collaborative partnership was needed to to deliver the projects in a way that wouldn’t be possible by the rail industry acting alone.

The core programme team comprises seven partner organisations spanning the train operator, asset owner, delivery partner and contractors.

The first station to be delivered was the state-of-the-art redevelopment of Perry Barr station. The WMRP has two other projects in construction. They are:

  • Camp Hill Line – three new stations at Moseley Village, Kings Heath and Pineapple Road
  • Walsall stations – two new stations at Willenhall and Darlaston.

The partnership – which stands apart for its scale – is also unique in that infrastructure delivery is undertaken by a third party, but the assets will ultimately be owned by Network Rail.

Creating a collaborative culture

To build a genuinely collaborative partnership, representatives from all our partner organisations built a charter. This was the first step. Through the charter, which encapsulates the values underpinning our vision and is informed by the experiences of our people, we created a way of holding each other to account.

We also established a Partners’ Leadership Board to steer the programme on a strategic and cultural level. This ensures that when important decisions are made on ways of working, the programme has a united strategy. The creation of our leadership board marked the true beginning of the WMRP.

Collaboration and efficiency go hand in hand

Examples of collaboration occur daily.

In the case of Perry Barr station for instance, we recognised the need to act at pace so that the upgraded station would be ready for the thousands of international passengers expected for the 2022 Commonwealth Games.

To get this done, we took the difficult – but collective – decision to close the old Perry Barr station for 12 months. This was a key decision for the project and involved significant work with partners, including the train operator West Midlands Trains, Department for Transport and Network Rail to create a joined-up approach that focused firmly on the objective.

The bold approach succeeded. We completed the upgraded station within budget and in time to accommodate an additional 25,000 passengers that came to Birmingham for the 2022 Commonwealth Games.

Helping to make the case for rail investment

The WMRP’s trailblazing approach to delivery is transforming the way rail infrastructure is built, helping the industry making a strong case for government investment.

For the first time in decades, we are delivering easy rail access to thousands of people across the West Midlands – an example of what can be achieved by working together.

These benefits are far-reaching. For instance, our scheme at Birmingham’s University station isn’t just about enhancing rail facilities, but also delivering a gateway to some of the region’s world-leading institutions – some of which have funded our work. 

Additionally, by serving areas that have previously lacked rail links, we have created a more accessible and integrated transport network – enhancing connectivity across the West Midlands.

The improved rail links are also expected to encourage more people to use the train instead of cars – better positioning the region to achieve its net zero targets.

Header image provided by West Midlands Combined Authority