AECOM’s air quality and climate change experts are featured chairs, panelists and presenters at the annual Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA) Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, June 20-23.
With the conference theme “Unmasking the Industrial Renaissance,” AECOM scientists and engineers will lead technical sessions and present on critical air and waste management topics as well as other environmental issues affecting industry, oil and gas, mining, and power generation concerns as part of the technical program.
A&WMA is a nonprofit, nonpartisan professional air and waste management organization with members in 65 countries that includes environmental and management professionals from government, industry, consulting, legal and advocacy organizations as well as academe.
At this year’s conference, AECOM professional staff will chair five panel/platform sessions and make 13 technical platform presentations that address air quality monitoring, visibility, climate change adaptation risks and strategies, air modeling and compliance as well as nanotechnology.
AECOM’s global air team has extensive experience developing comprehensive and innovative solutions for a broad range of air quality permitting and compliance issues including, greenhouse gases, regional haze, transportation congestion and mercury emissions. According to Amy Marshall, AECOM Vice President, “AECOM has a long history of solving complex air quality challenges for industry and governments, and has been a major contributor to the A&WMA conference with expert papers and presentations since 1968.” AECOM is a silver sponsor of this year’s A&WMA Annual Conference.
Contact us for copies of our presentations or to receive more information about AECOM’s Air Quality and Waste Management services.
Air Quality Services
- Overview of Air Quality Services
- Source Emissions Measurements
- Air Quality Control Systems and Engineering
- Ozone and Regional Haze Modeling
- Transportation Air Quality Services
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory and Management
- Risk Assessment of Toxic Air Pollutants
- Refinery Fenceline Benzene Monitoring
- Coal combustion Residual Management
- MATS-related Services for Electric Utility Steam Generating Units
- Permitting Challenges with New PM2.5, Ozone, NO2 and SO2 Air Quality Standards
- Compliance Challenges with the New 1-Hour SO2 Ambient Air Quality Standard
- Statement of Qualifications – Air Quality Services