Inclusion and Diversity

As more women rise through the ranks of the corporate world, the much-desired “seat at the table” is becoming a more reachable goal. While there is still much progress to be made, the fact that women are present in rooms where the most difficult decisions are being made is an opportunity for us to use our voices to shape lasting outcomes. But being in the room isn’t enough — a seat at the table doesn’t matter unless you are visible, your voice is heard and your impact is felt.

The Summit

The United Way Women’s Summit will be a catalyzing force for formidable change. The event’s aim is to mobilize women as change-makers and expand our impact as we discuss what matters most and how to create environments where women can thrive. The summit is an opportunity for businesses and the Los Angeles community to facilitate environments where women can make valuable contributions.

The role of business

There are real and wide-ranging incentives for companies to support women. When women thrive, families and communities thrive, businesses thrive and nations thrive. This is why AECOM includes women at the highest levels of decision-making and why AECOM is sponsoring the United Way Women’s Summit. From working on award-winning infrastructure and development projects to volunteering for community development and more, AECOM’s women are integral to the company delivering a better world. Our understanding of the impact that women make is precisely why we are committed to placing more women in leadership roles within our company. At AECOM, women get more than just a seat at the table; they are encouraged to take an active role in leading and driving business decisions.

How to lead

As I reflect on my own career, my advice to women leaders is to lead with authenticity and confidence. It is important to be feminine, to be women as we lead. Trust your own abilities and recognize your capacity to lead in dynamic and transformative ways. Develop your personal brand by continuously seeking opportunities that challenge you. Throughout my career, I continually made myself available to take on new opportunities, and this has been instrumental to my growth and skills development.

You also have a responsibility to the people you lead. They depend on you to make the right decisions, so hire the best people, trust their abilities and give them as many opportunities as possible. I will always remember the people who trusted me early in my career — I believe that their trust, as well as our experiences as a team (both successes and failures), have been instrumental to my growth.

You must also be prepared and proactive. Anticipate change and seek new, better ways to work. But most importantly, always remain human. The best leaders show their personalities and humility, they have fun and they are “real.”

At this incredibly important summit, and as you learn from and immerse yourself in the rich stories you will hear, remember: you can lead and when you do, lead boldly.

Mary Finch

Originally published Apr 25, 2016

Author: Mary Finch