Environment, People Spotlight, Sustainability, Wastewater Treatment, Water, Water Recycling

Our People Spotlight series gives you an inside look at our technical experts around the world. This week, we are highlighting an industry director from our Water business in Australia and providing an insight into their inspiration and work.

Sean Gilchrist is an accomplished professional who has served as industry director in Australia since October 2023. With over 13 years of experience at AECOM, Sean has demonstrated expertise in a wide range of skills including water management, project management, waste management, environmental engineering, and sustainability. 

In his current role, Sean is instrumental in leading industry initiatives and driving strategic projects. His extensive experience encompasses water treatment, project planning, water resources, water quality, wastewater treatment, environmental auditing, proposal writing, environmental compliance, feasibility studies and environmental impact assessments. 

Sean’s commitment to excellence and leadership in managing complex projects have significantly contributed to AECOM’s success and the sustainable development of communities. 

What inspired you to join the industry? 

I studied civil engineering at the University of Technology Sydney. During this time, I also spent a year as an exchange student at INSA Lyon – Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon in France, where I immersed myself in the field. 

My journey into the water sector began in my university days, when I found myself excelling in hydraulics and public health engineering. Thanks to a recommendation from my university professor, I secured my first job in the field after graduation. That recommendation set the stage for what has been an incredibly fulfilling and globe-trotting career.  

I’ve had the privilege of working primarily in Australia, managing significant water and environmental projects, but my career has also taken me abroad. I’ve done stints in California and Colorado, working in water and wastewater consulting services, and I’ve delivered industrial water and environmental services throughout Southeast Asia. Additionally, my early international exposure as an exchange student in Europe further ignited my passion for a global career. It’s the kind of career that can take you anywhere in the world, and I’ve loved every minute of it. 

I’ve had the privilege of working primarily in Australia, managing significant water and environmental projects, but my career has also taken me abroad. I’ve done stints in California and Colorado, working in water and wastewater consulting services, and I’ve delivered industrial water and environmental services throughout Southeast Asia.”

What is your favorite AECOM project that you’ve worked on and why? 

I’ve got three. First is the Rouse Hill Water Recycling Plant project in Sydney, which involves working with a constructor on new inlet works at the existing plant to enhance the initial stage of separating contaminants from incoming wastewater, but also to cater to a growing population, and provide increased capacity for more recycling. At AECOM, we are committed to delivering sustainable legacies for communities that we serve, and given Australia’s limited water resources, more recycling plants like Rouse Hill are crucial.  

We also need to diversify our drinking water sources and become less dependent on rainfall, which we can achieve through desalination and purified recycled water programs. So, my second favourite project at the moment is the expansion of the Sydney Desalination Plant where I am leading the AECOM team to help the owner double the plant capacity and make Sydney more resilient in times of drought, as well as to supply drinking water to the increasing number of people who want to call Sydney their home.  

And thirdly, a few years back now, I led the Western Sydney Master Plan where we adopted new adaptive planning and integrated water management approaches to plan new water infrastructure and programs. This project’s goal was to help cool Western Sydney with recycled wastewater and stormwater flows and to create green spaces and tree canopies, as well as more active and passive recreational water spaces — improving the region’s liveability. In our approach, we embraced circular economy principles, emphasizing wastewater and biosolids recycling to ensure a sustainable future.  

My first favorite is the Rouse Hill Water Recycling Plant project in Sydney, which involves working with a constructor on new inlet works at the existing plant to enhance the initial stage of separating contaminants from incoming wastewater, but also to cater to a growing population, and provide increased capacity for more recycling.”

Tell us a story of how your work positively impacted the community. 

One of the most exciting aspects of the water sector is its diversity of projects. Once you head down this career path, you’ll find there’s plenty on offer. From stormwater to wastewater and drinking water, it’s a vast field with so much to explore and contribute to. For the Rouse Hill project, for instance, we’re also designing an improved treatment process that will better treat the wastewater flows the plant receives in wet weather, which in turn supports better public health and environment outcomes.  

The variety of projects and exposure to different types of work ultimately drew me to AECOM. I love working with our global subject matter experts and bringing their expertise to our clients locally in Australia and New Zealand. It’s something that really excites me and keeps me engaged. Every project we undertake has a tangible impact on communities and the environment, from ensuring safe drinking water to managing stormwater and wastewater systems that protect public health and natural ecosystems. 

For the Rouse Hill project, we’re also designing an improved treatment process that will better treat the wastewater flows the plant receives in wet weather, which in turn supports better public health and environment outcomes.”

Share a piece of career advice. 

If there’s one piece of advice I’d give to young engineers, it’s to focus on the circular economy and sustainability. These are crucial topics that are often easier to talk about than to implement in practice. But if you want to make a real impact, AECOM is the place for you. We’re always looking for people who are passionate about sustainability and ready to make it happen. Engineers play a crucial role in turning sustainability from a buzzword into reality. 

Sean at the Rouse Hill Water Recycling Plant project site in Sydney, Australia.

Sean Gilchrist

Originally published Aug 1, 2024

Author: Sean Gilchrist

Sean Gilchrist is an industry director from our Water business in Australia.