COP26, ESG, Sustainability, Sustainable Legacies

As the world looks to Glasgow for the COP26 conference on climate change, we’ll be discussing some of the changes our industry needs to make and reflecting on the COP debate on the AECOM BlogJoin the discussion on social media by following us on Twitter and LinkedIn. Find more information in our special COP26 edition of our “Future of Infrastructure” report:

A key plank of the UK government’s ambition to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 is the ability to capture and store carbon before it is released into the atmosphere. It has set a carbon capture target of up to 30 million tonnes of carbon dioxide a year by 2030.

To encourage investment in the area and bring down costs, the government has announced a £1 billion (US$1.4 billion) scheme for carbon capture utilization and storage projects. It intends to deploy carbon capture through clusters, which it defines as including a first phase of at least two carbon capture projects, and a transmission and storage network involving both onshore and offshore pipelines and storage capability. This approach allows it to direct funding to areas of greatest potential impact, helping some of the UK’s heavy industrial regions decarbonize and ensuring a socially just transition.

The scheme also encourages collaboration by bringing different bodies together. For success, these groups will need to share information and best practices.

Two projects have been selected for fast tracked funding under Track 1 of the scheme. These are the East Coast cluster in the Humber and Teesside and the Hynet cluster in the North West of England and north Wales.  There are another three clusters in development.  The East Coast cluster alone has the potential to capture nearly 50 percent of UK industrial carbon emissions, and its transition is essential if the UK is to meet its zero carbon goals.  AECOM has supported the development of the Teesside cluster network since the very start of that project.

While this announcement is welcome, it’s important that the government provides clear signals to the other clusters and their investors that they should continue to develop at the pace required. At a COP fringe event organized by the utility company and energy supplier SSE on CCUS and hydrogen deployment, I will outline that more clarity is urgently needed to unlock much needed private investment in the deployment of CCUS.  This in turn unlocks the deployment of hydrogen, initially through blue hydrogen but then transitioning to green hydrogen.

SSE are at the forefront of developing low carbon power stations to complement the increased deployment of renewables to provide the UK’s electricity, and we’ve have been working with them on the development of the Keadby 3 and Peterhead carbon capture power station projects.

Richard Lowe

Originally published Nov 8, 2021

Author: Richard Lowe

Richard is the European Energy Sector Lead for AECOM Environment and is the Environmental Lead for some of the largest decarbonization projects being developed including Net Zero Teesside, Keadby 3 CCS, Peterhead CCS, Humber Zero CCS, two 300MW solar projects, several blue and green hydrogen production projects and also has been part of the SZC nuclear new build project. He has led 14 DCOs for energy projects to date and is at the forefront of CCS deployment working with the CCSA and regulators to agree the approach to assessment of environmental effects and permitting of carbon capture projects.