Deep Dive, Light rail, Program Management, Public transit, Rail, Sustainability, Transportation

Our Deep Dive series highlights our people’s technical expertise to solve demanding challenges for our clients from across the world.  

This week, we are highlighting a program manager from our Transportation business in Canada and exploring how he and his team delivered a safe, sustainable and innovative transit system in the City of Edmonton. Josh is the project manager for the Valley Line Light Rail Transit (LRT), currently western Canada’s largest LRT owner’s engineer assignment. In this role, he leads a team of nearly 20 multi-disciplinary subconsultants and a specialized risk and claims preparedness team throughout the preliminary engineering, procurement, design and construction phases. 

Josh is an accomplished program manager with more than 20 years of experience in construction, alternative project delivery, and management of large-scale infrastructure projects. He is known for his exceptional leadership skills and his ability to effectively bring together consulting teams, public entities and stakeholders to deliver complex projects. With more than 10 years of valuable experience in developing and executing complex public-private partnership (P3) projects, Josh has a strong foundation of field work and integration, particularly in urban environments where he has successfully navigated the unique challenges of rapidly growing city landscapes. 

Tell us about a project that has impacted or been a major highlight of your career. How is it delivering a better world?  

One of the standout moments in my career was riding as a paying passenger on the new Valley Line LRT in Edmonton — a project I’m incredibly proud to have worked on. This LRT isn’t just a new transit line; it’s a game-changer for the city. 

By decreasing car dependency across the City of Edmonton, our work on the Valley Line LRT is reducing carbon emissions while preserving green spaces along its route. This new line is also improving the quality of life for people by increasing access to essential services and creating safer, more connected communities. At the same time, it has created new jobs for the community and, in the long run, will benefit commuters financially while potentially boosting property values and local business activity. Critically, we also hit the mark with our client by delivering the project on time and within budget thanks to the success of the P3 process. This project is helping to build a better, more sustainable future for Edmonton — it’s been a highlight of my career to be part of it. 

By decreasing car dependency across the City of Edmonton, our work on the Valley Line LRT is reducing carbon emissions while preserving green spaces along its route. This new line is also improving the quality of life for people by increasing access to essential services and creating safer, more connected communities.”

What was a key challenge you/your team faced while working on this complex LRT project? How did you solve it?  

One of the biggest challenges we faced while working on the Valley Line LRT project was that it was the City of Edmonton’s first P3 project. Navigating this new delivery model required a lot of collaboration and innovation. We relied heavily on AECOM’s alternative delivery experts to guide the city through the complexities of the P3 process and bring their vision to life. 

We adopted a “one-team” approach, setting up a joint project office where city staff and AECOM leads worked side by side. We even created a buddy system to foster close collaboration, which was key to our success. This approach allowed us to tackle issues in real-time and keep everyone aligned on project goals. 

During the design and construction portion of Phase 1, the city decided to expand the system by 100 percent. Doubling a system that wasn’t even finished brought a whole new set of challenges, particularly in procurement and technical aspects. Having a shared space to collaborate in real-time made all the difference. We struck a balance between performance and prescriptive requirements that aligned with the city’s objectives, while leveraging the benefits of a design-build approach. 

COVID-19 also created very unique challenges, especially during procurement. I’m very proud of how our team quickly pivoted to a virtual environment and continued to successfully meet the city’s procurement requirements despite the obstacles created by the pandemic. 

There were definitely breakthrough moments — seeing how our innovative solutions and close teamwork helped navigate uncharted waters was incredibly rewarding. It reinforced the importance of collaboration, flexibility, and a shared vision in overcoming even the toughest challenges. 

We adopted a “one-team” approach, setting up a joint project office where city staff and AECOM leads worked side by side. We even created a buddy system to foster close collaboration, which was key to our success. This approach allowed us to tackle issues in real-time and keep everyone aligned on project goals.”

How has AECOM enabled you and your teams to cultivate the expertise needed to deliver Valley Line LRT and future work like it? 

AECOM has been instrumental in helping me and my team develop the expertise we needed to successfully deliver the Valley Line LRT project and to prepare for future work. One of the key advantages has been our ability to draw on our global network of experts. Early on, we were able to bring in specialized knowledge from around the world, giving us the ability to support our local clients in ways that very few other firms can. Accessing AECOM’s global expertise has become even more streamlined over time, and there’s a genuine willingness across the organization to collaborate and share knowledge. 

This project also provided opportunities for skill development, not just for me, but for the entire team. I was able to mentor team members to broaden their skillsets and prepare them for future challenges. That mentorship was as worthwhile for me as it was for them because it strengthened our team and helped us deliver a better outcome for our client. 

Working so closely with the client on this project also gave us deeper insights into their evolving needs and emerging industry trends. This hands-on experience has been fundamental in enabling us to better understand and anticipate our future clients’ needs. 

AECOM’s global support and our collaborative work environment have enhanced our ability to deliver on this project while also setting us up for continued success in the industry. 

One of the key advantages has been our ability to draw on our global network of experts. Early on, we were able to bring in specialized knowledge from around the world, giving us the ability to support our local clients in ways that very few other firms can.”

How has this experience shaped your approach to future work and expanded your career at AECOM?  

The Valley Line LRT project has significantly shaped my approach and broadened my career. Transit projects are inherently complex and varied, which gave me the chance to collaborate with a diverse group of people and tackle challenges from multiple angles. This experience reinforced the importance of adaptability, teamwork and innovation in delivering successful outcomes. 

One of the key lessons I’ve learned is the value of partnering with clients and stakeholders. Understanding their needs and working alongside them from the start has proven essential in navigating the complexities of large-scale projects. This approach has prepared me to take on new challenges with confidence, knowing that AECOM has the expertise and resources to support me. 

The experience I gained on the Valley Line has also created opportunities for me to contribute to similar projects around the world. It’s incredibly rewarding to apply what I’ve learned to help shape the future of urban transit in other cities. AECOM’s commitment to addressing urban growth challenges while meeting ESG goals aligns perfectly with my own values, and I’m proud to continue supporting projects that make a meaningful impact. 

This project has not only expanded my career but also reinforced my belief in the work we do at AECOM. I’m excited to take these lessons forward as we continue to tackle the complex challenges of urban development. 

One of the key lessons I’ve learned is the value of partnering with clients and stakeholders. Understanding their needs and working alongside them from the start has proven essential in navigating the complexities of large-scale projects. This approach has prepared me to take on new challenges with confidence, knowing that AECOM has the expertise and resources to support me.”

Learn more about the Valley Line LRT project and how it is making a positive impact for the City of Edmonton.

Originally published Oct 3, 2024

Author: Josh Jones

Josh Jones is a program manager from our Transportation business in Canada.