Energy, Power

It’s a dynamic time in the power industry. The growth in the power market is not only accelerating globally, it’s dramatically changing as it grows. In the U.S., we’re seeing a shift away from coal and nuclear toward gas generation, renewables and other sustainable energies.

At the same time, many countries around the world are diversifying their power portfolio to include nuclear, gas, and renewables. To meet the global energy demands of the next 20 years, we will need to generate 50% more power. This is our challenge at AECOM – our call to action. We’re ready to answer this call.

Shifting Investments

In the U.S., there’s a significant shift of investment in the grid. This is being driven by a few factors – the need to harden against natural disasters, to upgrade an aging transmission and distribution infrastructure, and to realign energy delivery from large central station power plants to renewables and distributed generation, enhancing the resiliency of the grid.

Our Past Dictates our Future

Our power business has a long history of service and innovation in electric generation. Since our start as Thomas Edison’s Electric Bond and Share Company (EBASCO), we’ve designed and installed more of the world’s electric power capacity than any other company. Our amazing legacy doesn’t stop there. Through our Morrison Knudsen Construction Company heritage, we were a lead member of the Six Companies consortium that built the Hoover Dam. We were one of the original industrial partners in the Manhattan Project and built the first nuclear plants in Spain, Italy, Brazil, Mexico and Taiwan. Worldwide, we’ve engineered and/or constructed more than 280,000 megawatts (MW) of electricity –that equals more than one fourth of the generating power in the United States today.

This rich history combined with AECOM’s global presence, financial footprint, and design-build-finance-operate capability provides us with all of the ingredients necessary to support globalization and expansion of electric power around the world.

Innovation Ahead

Our focus is to take the most advanced project delivery tools and integrate them into our project execution model. We strive to be among the first to deploy the newest technologies in power generation, energy delivery, and environmental stewardship to ensure we are in a position to fully leverage our project execution, design, and construction skills to serve our energy customers’ evolving needs.

As more and more countries expand their electric generation and distribution infrastructure to support their own economic development, we’re proud to contribute our skills to create vast networks that power the grid and feed sustainable energy into tomorrow.

People First

Of course our innovation is derived from our people. The individuals who make up our power business are our most valuable assets. Their depth of expertise and commitment to work safe and with innovative spirit is unparalleled. I am proud of what our teams do every day to help to deliver the power that energizes the world – without limits.

Art Lembo

Originally published Dec 4, 2017

Author: Art Lembo

Art is general manager and president of AECOM's Power Business Unit.