Daniel Bryce-Smith
Principle engineer
Daniel has over 12 years’ experience delivering flood risk management projects, from concept through to completion. He is currently on secondment at Natural Resources Wales, where he is undertaking the Project Executive role on a number of flood alleviation schemes.
Daniel delivered the Outline Business Case for the Port of Immingham sea defence improvement scheme within a short six month time frame. The port is the UK’s largest port by tonnage and is therefore critical that this vital asset is adequately protected against the threat of tidal surge.
Daniel will be speaking on Day 1, Tuesday 28 March, between 14:30 – 16:00 in Conference Room 3

Port of Immingham sea defence improvements
Safeguarding a major sea port from the threat of tidal surge, we produced and delivered an Outline Business Case (OBC) and flood risk appraisal for the Port of Immingham sea defence improvement scheme. Securing £4.5 million of Grant in Aid funding in a short six month timeframe, we have ensured the critical works can commence quickly.