Peter Robinson
Technical Director
Peter is a Chartered Civil Engineer and a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers with over 18 years’ experience working on flood risk, surface water management and infrastructure projects across the UK and Middle East.
His career highlights include co-authoring CIRIAs UK Water Sensitive Urban Design Guidelines, as well as helping deliver the large-scale Jeddah Stormwater Drainage Programme, Saudi Arabia.
He has been supporting Scottish Canals over the last six years, identifying and developing opportunities to diversify the use of the existing canal system. The North Glasgow Integrated Water Management System (NGIWMS) concept is the most recent project – it promotes the creation of a pioneering drainage system, using the canal and modern technology to reduce flood risk and unlock regeneration across Scotland’s central belt.
Peter will be speaking on Day 2, Wednesday 29 March, between 11:00 – 12:30 at Conference Room 3

North Glasgow Integrated Water Management System
The North Glasgow Integrated Water Management System (NGIWMS) concept outlines the creation of a pioneering drainage system, using a scheduled ancient monument and modern technology, to unlock regeneration across Scotland’s Central belt. Using exemplar sustainable drainage principles, the concept will provide flood risk reduction, water quality management and habitat improvement for local communities.