Press Release

October 14, 2011

A consortium consisting of AECOM, Grimshaw Architects, PwC and Tract Consultants will develop a detailed property master plan for 2,471 acres (1,000 hectares) of developable land at Brisbane Airport in Australia, after winning a property master plan design competition held by the Brisbane Airport Corporation Pty Limited (BAC).


The team’s winning concept aims to transform the airport land into an innovative location for businesses and a destination for travelers by consolidating development around key nodes, and adding a new spine road between the existing terminals and the retail hub.

“The jury was particularly impressed with the proposal’s creative approach to natural systems — rethinking the connections between energy consumption, production and waste management,” said BAC’s chief executive officer and managing director, Julieanne Alroe.

The completed project, which will complement the existing Brisbane Airport 2009 master plan, is intended to meet the needs of existing and future property markets.
