Press Release

November 12, 2014

AECOM’s multidisciplinary team is working with the HCA on its development of the Louisburg Barracks in East Hampshire, UK. Delivering a viable scheme that meets the wider sustainability and quality credentials defined in the Whitehill and Bordon Masterplan will be the ultimate legacy of the development.


AECOM has been reappointed by the Homes and Community Agency (HCA), the national housing and regeneration agency for England, to be its multidisciplinary framework partner.

As framework partner, AECOM will again provide project and cost management, masterplanning, landscape architecture, town planning, ecology and biodiversity, engineering, architecture, CDM and property expertise. The team will provide a significant proportion of these services in-house, supplemented with the skills and expertise of its consultant team partners1. The AECOM team comprises over 3,500 staff operating from 27 offices throughout England.

Commenting on the appointment, Jim Strike, Senior Director, Design Planning, and AECOM’s Framework Director said: “Having been the Homes and Communities Agency’s framework partner for over a decade, we are looking forward to helping the HCA and its partners accelerate the delivery of housing, stimulate local economic growth and make best use of surplus public assets throughout England. As in previous years we will draw on the strength of our UK offices to provide multidisciplinary teams with local expertise.”

Over the last two years, AECOM has advised on the delivery of over 6,000 affordable homes and secured planning permission for over 12,000 new homes. Under the 2010-2014 multidisciplinary framework, AECOM delivered approximately 60 projects for the HCA and its partners, including:

  • Sandymoor, Runcorn, Cheshire: Designed the infrastructure works, including new highway access and flood mitigation measures to facilitate the delivery of 400 new homes.
  • Croston Road, Lancashire: Preparation of a masterplan-led development statement for major allocations in the strategic growth areas of North Leyland/South Preston, and planning permission for 400 homes secured in October 2014. 
  • Louisburg Barracks, Whitehill & Bordon, Hampshire: Preparation of a masterplan and secured planning approval for 500 new homes and associated infrastructure on the former barracks; the first major development within the major town expansion programme.
  • Seaham New Housing Masterplan, Durham: Facilitated the delivery of new housing through the development of a masterplan, design brief, delivery plan and CDM service for seven residential sites.

Recent research by AECOM has revealed that the housing shortage in the wider London region will reach 2.5 million by 2036, 1 million of which are not currently in the plans of the 127 local authorities within 90 kilometres of central London.