Press Release

November 23, 2015

Dr. Robin Sham recognized for innovation in bridge engineering


ASIA_IET Achievement photo 1Dr. Robin Sham, AECOM’s global long-span and specialty bridge director, won an Institution of Engineering and Technology’s (IET’s) Achievement Award for pioneering innovations in bridge engineering. The IET in the United Kingdom has its origin dating back to 1871, and is the largest multidisciplinary professional institution in the world.

In announcing the “stars of industry,” the IET recognized Dr. Sham for his profound contributions to bridge building globally.  Dr. Sham’s bridge experience spans across the continents, including projects such as the Aberfeldy Bridge in Scotland, the world’s first glass fibre reinforced composite cable-stayed bridge; the Second Severn Crossing between England and Wales, the first all-weather bridge crossing protected by windshields; the Sutong Bridge in China, the world’s longest cable-stayed bridge when completed; and the Second Penang Bridge in Malaysia, one of the most substantial sea crossings built in recent history.

His recently completed project — the Taizhou Bridge in Jiangsu, China, which is the world’s first three-pylon and two-main-span suspension bridge — is considered a model for the future development of ultra-long span bridges around the world.

“In my work, I cross vast continents in search of new frontiers in bridge engineering.  It is encouraging to know that my learned peers and eminent figures consider that I have helped in some way push new boundaries,” said Dr. Sham.

“The Institution of Engineering and Technology Achievement Awards are a way for the engineering industry to recognize the truly talented individuals that exist within the sector.  Whether he or she made an outstanding contribution to the sector, are a young professional demonstrating outstanding ability or an engineer at the pinnacle of their career, the Achievement Awards aim to celebrate their success,” said Naomi Climer, IET President.

Since 1987, the IET Achievement Awards recognize the world’s top engineering talents who have made exceptional contributions to the advancement of science, engineering and technology in any sector, either through research and development in their respective technical field or through their leadership of an enterprise.

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