Press Release

October 10, 2012

Perspectives from practice.


Together, AECOM experts are finding better ways to design and build sustainable places, responsibly manage natural resources and improve quality of life for people all over the world.

Claire Bonham-Carter, LEED AP BD C

Director of Sustainable Development – Design Planning, AECOM

“I’m primarily involved in policy planning, as clients ranging from municipalities to private developers seek frameworks for sustainable development. I’ve worked on over a dozen climate action plans for U.S. towns and cities and helped the City of Seattle develop a policy analysis for green buildings; I also work to promote sustainable operations and provide annual sustainability reporting in the planning, design and development sector of the business.

“Within AECOM, I’ve been involved with sustainability initiatives focusing on producing green materials, reducing AECOM’s carbon footprint, and launching Everyday Environmentalism, a program which includes establishing green teams in every office.”

Gary Lawrence

Chief Sustainability Officer

“The majority of my work has to do with making sustainability an essential part of all of our business decisions. We shouldn’t think of sustainability as a separate issue; it’s a decision-making tool that can help AECOM and its clients.

“I’m an educator both within and outside AECOM on sustainability as both a risk- and opportunity-management idea, and continually making our enterprise and the societies in which we work more sustainable over time – including the development of rational and transparent data gathering and reporting mechanisms for employees, leadership, shareholders and potential investors – is a key part of every aspect of my work.”

Dr. Thomas Tang

Regional Director, Corporate Sustainability — Asia

“My work addresses our operations in Hong Kong, China, India and Southeast Asia. I’ve been working with all of the offices in the region to gauge their carbon footprint through data measurements (paper, electricity, water and air travel), as well as via office audits.

“We’ve nearly completed our first round of audits for this year, with a 5% reduction target for 2011. In addition, I’ve established AECOM’s inaugural Earth Day Sustainability Competition, in which staff can submit sustainability ideas to be implemented in 2010 and measured on Earth Day 2011.”

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