Press Release

September 13, 2011

The American Public Works Association recognized AECOM’s ability to successfully manage and administer public works projects while building a solid partnership between major stakeholders.


Three of the firm’s projects were named as 2011 Projects of the Year and will be highlighted at the association’s International Public Works Congress & Exposition in September. These projects include:

SR 519/I-90 (Seattle)

AECOM led the design of this project that completes the connection between the I-90/I-5 interchange and the Seattle waterfront near Safeco Field and Qwest Stadium and provides a link for commuters accessing I-5, I-90, the Port of Seattle and sports venues in the area. It increases safety and mobility and improves connections in an area that is considered the premier transportation gateway into the city of Seattle and Washington State.

Homestead Avenue Interceptor Extension (Hartford, Conn.)

Faced with regulatory orders to reduce combined sewer overflows (CSOs) in the area, the Hartford Metropolitan District hired AECOM to prepare the final design of a 72-inch CSO consolidation sewer installed by microtunneling in an urban part of downtown Hartford. The tunneling project incorporated a 1,359-foot radius curve in order to avoid an arduous open cut pipe installation that would have required installing sheeting near historic buildings and working around numerous old utilities. “This project marks the completion of the first planned, curved microtunnel in the United States and we are extremely proud to have played a major role in it,” says James Sullivan, project manager.

Cal Park Tunnel Rehabilitation and Multi-Use Pathway (Northern California)

Providing a crucial transportation link between the cities of San Rafael and Larkspur in Marin County, Calif., this Class I multi-use pathway follows an existing railroad right-of-way through the historic Cal Park Tunnel. By restoring an abandoned tunnel, this “rails with trails” project will provide simultaneous and safer access for rail, pedestrian and bicycle use. “This is a public works project with regards to sustainability, shared vision, local partnership and long-term planning,” says John Maher, P.E., project manager. “It represents a successful collaboration among government agencies, stakeholders, private business and the community by transforming an abandoned historical monument into a valuable green transportation link.”

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