Press Release

January 02, 2015

The proposed Greater Toronto Area (GTA) West transportation corridor will extend from the Highway 401/407ETR interchange in Halton Region to Highway 400 in Vaughan, Ontario.


The GTA West Transportation Corridor is part of a multi-modal strategy which includes improvements to transit and rail and optimization of the existing transportation network. The corridor will include a new 400 series freeway, transit way and provisions for truck priority features. These improvements are needed to address forecasted growth in population and employment in the Northwest GTA projected for the year 2031.  

Acting as sub-consultant, professionals from URS, an AECOM Company, were responsible for the public consultation program and for overseeing the development of route alternatives for Stage 2 of the environmental assessment study for the GTA West transportation corridor. AECOM also acted as a sub-consultant, as experts served in the capacity of transportation systems planning lead, providing support in developing route alternatives.

The first project milestone included a series of public workshops and public information centers with summer workshops which provided an update on the project. The workshops also provided interactive opportunities for the public to highlight key features and constraints in the corridor and to draw their ideas for new routes using iPads. A recommended short list of route alternatives and potential interchange locations were presented at the public information centers in late fall 2014. Public attendance at the consultation events topped 1,000 people and overall feedback on the project was positive.