The CCUS Infrastructure and National Supply Chain Study will inform Infrastructure South Australia (ISA)’s 20-year State Infrastructure Strategy, addressing key procurement objectives around the infrastructure requirements and national and global supply chain assessment needed to develop a CCUS industry supportive of a low-carbon future within South Australia (SA).
Carbon capture use and storage (CCUS) is a critical technology to achieve Australia’s net zero emissions target by 2050, particularly when considering hard to abate heavy industrial decarbonisation, such as steel and cement manufacture.
Considering the urgent need for both State and Federal political support and the economic opportunities that a CCUS industry may present for the local SA community, ISA commissioned AECOM to conduct a market study to assess infrastructure requirements, national supply chain opportunities and economic benefits to develop a CCUS industry in SA.
Our select group of CCUS specialists took into consideration various angles, including logistics and supply chains, decarbonisation objectives and trajectories, future fuels, economics and market sounding, storage and related risks and opportunities, approvals, and local and global technical standards. Findings of the market study outlined infrastructure and the national supply chain conditions and requirements for developing a CCUS industry in the region.