Serpentine Pavilion 2015 designed by selgascano; Photograph © John Offenbach
Serpentine Pavilion 2015 designed by selgascano; Photo © Iwan Baan
Serpentine Pavilion 2015 designed by selgascano; Photograph © NAARO

In 2015, for the third year running, AECOM, in collaboration with David Glover, delivered engineering and technical design services for the 15th annual Serpentine Pavilion in London, UK.

The design, by Spanish architectural practice Selgascano, was a colourful, translucent, chrysalis-like structure with a number of different entry and exit points. A ‘secret corridor’ between the outer and inner layers of the structure led visitors into the pavilion’s stained-glass-effect interior.

The polygonal structure comprised panels of a translucent, multi-coloured fabric membrane called Ethylene Tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE), which was woven through the steel frame. The engineering focus was on allowing the ETFE panels to deform and deflect to enable movement in the dynamic structure, while keeping it structurally-sound.

AECOM provided structural, fire and mechanical and electrical (M&E) engineering services for the pavilion, as well as cost consultancy and project management services.