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Defence has engaged AECOM Australia Pty Ltd (AECOM) to undertake the environmental assessment for Talisman Saber 2017 (TS17), culminating in the development of a Public Environment Report (PER).


The aim of the PER is to communicate to the Australian public and stakeholders the activities planned for TS17, the potential for environmental impacts and the mitigation measures that will be in place to minimise the risk of potential impacts occurring. Feedback generated through the public consultation will be incorporated into the final PER and will inform development of the TS17 Environmental Management Plan as well as other environmental controls that will be implemented specifically for the Exercise, in addition to routine environmental management and controls.


To view a copy of the PER, please click one of the following links:

To view a copy of the Post-Consultation Summary Report, please click on the link below.

Download the report