Since 2017, AECOM has partnered with The Smith Family to support young Australians to overcome educational inequality caused by poverty.

Like The Smith Family, we believe that education is one of the most powerful change agents. Our partnership places a particular focus on addressing the STEM skills shortage – to help students gain valuable career opportunities and change their futures.


Learning for Life sponsorships

AECOM has supported over a hundred tertiary students through The Smith Family’s core Learning for Life program. This evidence-based program provides students in need with a proven combination of financial, personal and practical support.

Our impact? Helping students to stay engaged and motivated to pursue further study or employment. We’re empowering young people to keep up with their classmates and create better futures for themselves.


Work Inspiration

Employers often report a mismatch in young people’s skills, attitudes, and behaviours when they finish their education and those required to successfully transition into employment.

That’s why we’re proud to support The Smith Family’s Work Inspiration program, which enables students to visit and experience AECOM workplaces.

We’ve held over twenty Work Inspiration events – giving hundreds of young people the opportunity to broaden their perspectives, learn how STEM skills are applied and develop career aspirations.



For young people, staying engaged in education and completing Year 12 expands their future work and study choices. However, students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds are less likely to complete Year 12 and build career goals.

Thankfully, mentoring is proven to support successful education-to-work transitions. Positive role models act as powerful change agents for students experiencing disadvantage.

AECOM staff participate in The Smith Family’s iTrack mentoring program and are matched with students in Years 9 to 11. Our people chat with students online each week – providing guidance and encouragement about the workplace, study options and career pathways.



To help support The Smith Family’s work, we hold several fundraisers throughout the year. These events are a great way to bring our team together while providing much-needed resources for the Learning for Life program.

To amplify our collective impact, AECOM matches all donations to fundraisers for The Smith Family.


About The Smith Family

The Smith Family is a national children’s education charity with a vision of a world where every child has the opportunity to change their future, no matter their circumstances.

The Smith Family supports children at every step of their educational journey, from early childhood through to the completion of their studies – to overcome educational inequality caused by poverty.