Since January 2017, AECOM has partnered with The Smith Family to provide students and children living in disadvantage with access to education, with a focus on addressing the STEM skills shortage. For the children that The Smith Family support, the effects of family poverty go beyond home lives. It also affects their education opportunities and outcomes. One in six young people may not have access to basic school necessities, like textbooks, uniforms and shoes. Investing in the education of young people experiencing disadvantage has long-term benefits for them, their families and the communities they live in. By supporting a child in need to participate fully in their education, they can achieve better life outcomes overall.

Learning for Life Sponsorships

AECOM supports 17  tertiary students, a program that helps students to fully participate in their education through a three-step approach. Financial, practical and emotional support aids their educational journey throughout their school years.

Work Inspiration

Work Inspiration is a business-led initiative that provides young people with opportunities to experience the world of work first hand. AECOM has held five work inspirations helping students to think about their future.


iTrack is an online mentoring program that matches students in Year 9 – 11 to a trained adult mentor who provides guidance and support about study options and post-school career paths. The program runs for 18 weeks, during which time students communicate with their mentor through an online chat platform. The impact of growing up in disadvantage creates barriers that can make it even more difficult to see the benefit of completing Year 12. These students often lack access to positive role models. With research showing the impact of leaving school early has on future work and study choices , the cycle of disadvantage is more likely to continue.

Toy and Book Appeal

The Smith Family’s Toy & Book appeal is an opportunity to help bring a smile to a disadvantaged child’s face at Christmas. Sadly, thousands of Australian kids will go without receiving a gift during the holiday season simply because their families cannot afford it. In 2018, thanks to support from companies including AECOM, The Smith Family achieved our goal of delivering over 60,000 new toys and 40,000 new books to children in need around Australia. These gifts will help these children to acquire the skills and knowledge they need to build a better future.


AECOM hold a number of fundraisers throughout the year, which is a great way to bring a team together while providing much needed support for the Learning for Life program. To maximize the impact, AECOM matches staff donations for The Smith Family.