Well-planned and maintained public infrastructure is the foundation of modern society.  It supports productive enterprises, enhances quality of life and underpins economic prosperity.


Smart infrastructure investment, however, is challenging. Governments throughout the world struggle to balance their investment in building and maintaining the “right” infrastructure. Investing too much or in the wrong kinds of infrastructure can hinder economic growth for many years by foreclosing more productive investments options. Investing too little or in the wrong places can strangle private sector initiative and result in lost opportunities. These challenges are compounded by rising expectations among the public for more and better quality services, and diminishing funding sources for infrastructure investment, maintenance and renewal.
This report, developed in conjunction with Consult Australia, examines the potential use of value capture to contribute to smart infrastructure decision-making and investment. Although the report draws heavily from experiences in NSW, the examples, key findings and recommendations are relevant throughout Australia and internationally.

The Value Capture Roadmap was recently presented at the “Exploring value sharing in Queensland” symposium hosted by the Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning. A clip of this presentation can be viewed here. The full list of presentations for this symposium can be viewed here.