
Under the NAVFAC Pacific Strategic Basing Initiatives IDIQ contracts, AECOM — as an equal partner in the prime joint venture — led development of the full spectrum of planning requirements and products to aid US Marine Corps decision-makers in identifying viable alternatives to support mission and training objectives for the realignment of USMC forces from Okinawa, Japan to Guam. A major deliverable under the contract is a comprehensive Guam Joint Military Master Plan, which addresses Joint Service requirements related to the military build-up on Guam plus sub-plans for related enhancements including the addition of new Navy platforms, Air Force airfield facilities, an Army Missile Defense Detachment and firing ranges for joint service training.

The Guam Joint Military Master Plan addresses infrastructure, housing, and quality of life improvements for new DoD installation with a construction budget greater than $10 billion. Planning efforts resulted in facility development plans for several locations on Guam with major consideration of housing and joint service community requirements to accommodate the influx of over 17,000 military and dependent personnel.

Planning products include base facility requirements; capital improvement plans; condition and feasibility assessments of existing facilities for reuse; MILCON program documents; and electronic 3D models to present alternative development plans.

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Additional Case Studies:

U.S. Air Force Resilient Energy Planning

National Western Center Campus Energy Plant

San Diego International Airport Strategic Energy Plan

Fort Carson, Energy Savings Performance Contract

University of California Merced, P3 Advisor Services

Los Angeles Community College District, Measurement and Demand Response

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University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Bundled Energy Projects

NASA Strategic Energy Investment Plan