The logistics and geographic reach of midstream operations requires a consulting and contracting partner with specific knowledge of regulatory requirements, fluids handling, and operation and maintenance logistics.
In the past four years alone, we have permitted more than 30,000 miles of pipeline, designed more than 2,000 miles of pipeline, and constructed over 1,000 miles of pipeline. In addition, we have designed and constructed hundreds of associated gathering and processing facilities and provided services on numerous LNG, crude and product terminals around the world.
AECOM combines our global resources and relationships with government entities with our technical expertise to provide solutions for midstream customers in challenging, remote or broad-ranging locations. Clients have come to us for project support in sensitive environmental habitats (on- and offshore), cold climates, desert conditions, World Heritage sites and government-protected areas.
AECOM’s life-cycle capabilities, from development to decommissioning, cover a wide array of our midstream clients’ need with responsive, fit-for-purpose solutions. We support midstream activities with initial site and route selection, environmental and community relation services, infrastructure development, project design and construction, operations and maintenance services, and decommissioning, demolition and remediation support. We are known particularly for our gas treating and processing expertise.
Regardless of the midstream project scope, size or location, AECOM oil, gas and chemicals professionals are dedicated to supporting our clients’ needs — with the highest regard for safety.
Representative Areas of Specialization: