AECOM’s portfolio is both historical and monumental: we have been partnering with governments on massive civil infrastructure projects for over a century. We provide integrated services to address complex civil works challenges, from critical flood structures that protect coastal neighborhoods to dams that improve waterway navigation. We’re proud of this work because a well-operated framework of structures, systems and facilities is critical for local economies as well as national security.

Highlighted Successes

  • #1 Dams and Reservoirs ranking by Engineering-News Record
  • For the 143-mile Herbert Hoover Dike system of earthen dam, hurricane gates and other water control structures in south Florida, providing quality assurance construction monitoring services for 55+ miles of cutoff walls, 48 culverts, embankment raising structures, and other improvements to reduce flood impacts
  • 100,000 personnel at the Indian Navy’s <a href="">largest naval infrastructure project</a> at Karwar, where AECOM is managing the planning, design, contracting, and construction of the major base expansion
  • Safely delivered 13 million man-hours of construction and 15,000 marine dives to build the 2,700-foot-long <a href="">Olmsted Dam</a> in a joint venture—one of the largest U.S. civil works projects in history
  • Helped stabilize 500 feet of dissolving foundation materials beneath the 2.1-mile-long, 371-foot-high <a href="">Mosul Dam</a>
  • 200 design and construction oversight task orders completed in support of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers New Orleans District’s civil works program following Hurricane Katrina; used innovative techniques such as wick drains and deep soil mixing for a 50% cost savings on most projects


  • <a href="">Bridges</a>
  • Channels & Navigation
  • <a href="">Dams, Hydropower & Levees</a>
  • Dam & Levee Safety
  • <a href="">Ecosystem Restoration</a>
  • <a href="">Environmental Services</a>
  • Erosion Control
  • Flood Risk Management
  • <a href="">Ports & Marine</a>
  • <a href="">Roads</a>
  • Shore Protection & Floodwalls
  • Structures
  • <a href="">Water Supply</a>

Featured Projects